Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

Cola and other soft drinks increase the risk of diabetes by 24%

This study was published in the Archives of Internal Medicine 2008 Jul 28;168(14):1487-92

Study title and authors:
Sugar-sweetened beverages and incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in African American women.
Palmer JR, Boggs DA, Krishnan S, Hu FB, Singer M, Rosenberg L.
Slone Epidemiology Center, BostonUniversity, Boston, MA 02215, USA. jpalmer@slone.bu.edu

This study can be accessed at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18663160

The objective of the study was to examine the association between consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and incidence of type 2 diabetes in African American women. The analyses included 43,960 women, with 338,884 person-years of follow-up, who gave dietary information and were free from diabetes at the start of the study. (One serving was defined as a 12-oz bottle or can).

The study found:
(a) Those women that drank two or more servings a day of orange or grapefruit juice had an 11% increased risk of type II diabetes compared to those women who drank less than one serving a month of orange or grapefruit juice.
(b) Those women that drank two or more servings a day of sugar-sweetened soft drinks had a 24% increased risk of type II diabetes compared to those women who drank less than one serving a month of sugar-sweetened soft drinks.
(c) Those women that drank two or more servings a day of sweetened fruit drinks had a 31% increased risk of type II diabetes compared to those women who drank less than one serving a month of sweetened fruit drinks.

This study shows that regular consumption of sugar-sweetened soft drinks and fruit drinks is associated with an increased risk of type II diabetes.

How To Make Your Body Become Its Own Doctor

“Bodhidharma travelled to the East to teach these two Yi Jin and Xi Sui classics. A bird like the crane is able to live long, an animal like the fox can be immortal, a human who cannot learn from these classics is worse than the birds and animals.”
 The Mind and Body of a Buddha
 Ee Jin Jing makes your muscles and tendons strong, flexible, fast and powerful while building up the health of your internal organs. Xi means wash and Sui means bone marrow.  Xi Sui  means clean your bone marrow. The aim of Xi Sui Gong is to detoxify the body and cleanse the unhealthy aspects of the mind. The highest aim is to help us reach enlightenment and give us the mind and body of a Buddha. But even if we can’t gain enlightenment in this lifetime, the least this Qigong can do is give us a long, healthy, and peaceful life.

 Connecting With Our True Nature 
 It is vitally important that we use our heart to train, not just our body. We can train as regularly and as hard as we like but if our heart isn’t present then we will never improve our skill or get the benefit from Qigong or Kung Fu. Whether it’s Shaolin, Karate or Taekwondo, the aim of any martial arts is to awaken us to our true nature. Our true nature can only be found in the here and now. Our martial art helps  to plant us in the present moment. This can sometimes be uncomfortable because it confronts us with who we truly are. But once we’ve broken through our smaller self, Qigong helps us to go beyond our small individual selves and find a connection with the very fabric of the Universe. It does not give us anything new; it simply connects us with the body’s internal power and automatic wisdom that already exists within us.
 If we train mindlessly then we may as will join a gym and watch TV while listening to music and running on the treadmill. There’s nothing wrong with that kind of training if all you want from your workout is to get fit but it’s certainly not the type of training which will increase our martial arts skill and power.

 The Power of Concentration
 The more we can concentrate, the more benefit we can gain from Qigong. Every movement of Xi Sui Jing is done from a sitting position, this sitting position helps us to develop patience. When you begin to run through the movements, your mind will be busy at first. This is natural. But as you focus on the breath and the movement together this will calm the mind and you will begin to feel peaceful. This calming of the mind cleanses the mind. With a clean mind, the mind and body can then begin to work in harmony. Once the mind and body are working in harmony, the body can start to self-regulate itself, unblocking the channels and preventing disease from building up in the body.

Our Body Is Our Own Doctor
 This is why we say that our body is our own doctor, the Qigong gives us access to the medicine. But this all happens unconsciously. Our body will start to feel better of its own accord without us having to intervene in any way. This has led many people to shun conventional medicine in favor of Qigong or other alternative medicines but I believe we should use the best of both worlds. If a person is suffering from an illness I recommend that they combine  Western medicine with Qigong so that it’s not an alternative approach but more of a complimentary approach.
The Challenge
 There is a famous story in China about a Ch’an master who was famous for his meditation and a Shaolin martial artist who was famous for his martial arts. One day the Shaolin master challenged the Ch’an master as he believed his skill was much better than that of the Ch’an master. The Ch’an master chose a narrow ledge at the edge of a high mountain, one wrong step and the person would fall to their death. Because they were both unskilled in archery they decided it would be fair if they challenged themselves in this way. The Shaolin master went first, he stood at the edge of the mountain but when he placed the arrow into the bow he couldn’t stop himself from looking down and he became scared at the thought of plunging to his death. This fear meant that he failed to hit the target. The Ch’an master took the bow and arrow, stood at the edge of the mountain, and hit the target perfectly. The Shaolin master was amazed and asked him what his secret was so that he could improve his skill. The Ch’an master said, “No thinking. No reason. Just do.”

No thinking. No reason. Just do.
 This is exactly what we must apply to our practice. EE Jin Jing makes our body like stone. Xi Sui Jing turns our body into a Buddha. But we need to practice and find this out for ourselves.
 Qi Lifting
 Higher level students learn Qi lifting which mixes internal and external together. They practice Qi and at the same time they use Qi. This kind of Qigong can only be transmitted master to student. This takes karma and the student needs to be ready. Powerful businessmen learn this Qigong from me because they know that the health of their mind and body is the most important thing. But this higher level can never be reached without first learning the authentic Shaolin forms that I teach on my Qigong DVDs. Without learning these forms we can never reach the higher levels.

The Way Of Qigong Volume 2

Diets high in meat and eggs are an effective treatment for type II diabetes

This study was published in Diabetologia 2007 Sep;50(9):1795-807

Study title and authors:
A Palaeolithic diet improves glucose tolerance more than a Mediterranean-like diet in individuals with ischaemic heart disease.
Lindeberg S, Jönsson T, Granfeldt Y, Borgstrand E, Soffman J, Sjöström K, Ahrén B.
Department of Medicine, Hs 32, University of Lund, SE-221 85, Lund, Sweden. staffan.lindeberg@med.lu.se

This study can be accessed at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17583796

This 12 week study compared the effects of a  Paleolithic "old Stone Age diet" and a consensus "Mediterranean-like diet" in 29 patients with ischaemic heart disease with either high blood glucose levels or type II diabetes. 

The diets comprised of:
(i) The "old stone age diet" tended to be lower in carbohydrate and higher in fat. Meat consumption was 47% higher, egg consumption 52% higher and cholesterol consumption 34% higher on the "old stone age diet" compared to the "Mediterranean-like diet".
(ii) The "Mediterranean-like diet" tended to be higher in carbohydrate and lower in fat. Cereal consumption was 1388% higher, pastry consumption 1200% higher, margarine consumption 1500% higher, potato consumption 51% higher and sweetened drinks consumption 194% higher on the "Mediterranean-like diet" compared to the "old stone age diet".

After 12 weeks the study found:
(a) Those on the old stone age diet lost 31% more weight compared to those on the Mediterranean-like diet.
(b) Those on the old stone age diet lowered their unhealthy high fasting glucose levels 88% more than those on the Mediterranean-like diet.
(c) Those on the old stone age diet lowered their unhealthy high HbA1c levels 4.3% more than those on the Mediterranean-like diet.

This study shows how a diet high in meat and eggs is more effective than a diet high in cereals and margarine in the treatment of type II diabetes.

Senin, 27 Februari 2012

Type I diabetics have better blood sugar control on a high fat diet

This study was published in Diabetologia 1985 Apr;28(4):208-12

Study title and authors:
A prospective comparison of 'conventional' and high carbohydrate/high fibre/low fat diets in adults with established type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes.
McCulloch DK, Mitchell RD, Ambler J, Tattersall RB.

This study can be accessed at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2991051

This study tested the effects on blood sugar control in 40 type I diabetic adults in either a high carbohydrate/high fibre/low fat diet or a low carbohydrate/low fibre/high fat diet.

The diets comprised of:
(i) 45% carbohydrate, 34% fat, 32 grams fibre per day (higher carbohydrate diet).
(ii) 38% carbohydrate, 43% fat, 20 grams fibre per day (higher fat diet).

After 4 months, HbA1c levels were 1.8% higher in those on the higher carbohydrate diet compared to those on the higher fat diet.

This study reveals that a higher fat diet enables better blood sugar control than a higher carbohydrate diet in type I diabetics.

Minggu, 26 Februari 2012

High-fat, carbohydrate-restricted diets are a superior treatment option for type 2 diabetes compared to a low-calorie, low fat diet

This study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine 2003 May 22;348(21):2074-81

Study title and authors:
A low-carbohydrate as compared with a low-fat diet in severe obesity.
Samaha FF, Iqbal N, Seshadri P, Chicano KL, Daily DA, McGrory J, Williams T, Williams M, Gracely EJ, Stern L.
Philadelphia Veterans Affairs Medical Center, University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, Philadelphia, USA. rick.samaha@med.va.gov

This study can be accessed at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12761364

This study investigated the effects of a carbohydrate-restricted diet or a calorie- and fat-restricted diet on severely obese people. The trial lasted for six months and included 132 severely obese subjects with an average body-mass index of 43 and a high prevalence of diabetes (39 percent) or the metabolic syndrome (43 percent).

The subjects were assigned to either of two diets:
(i) The subjects assigned to the low-fat diet received instruction in accordance with the obesity-management guidelines of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, including caloric restriction sufficient to create a deficit of 500 calories per day, with 30 percent or less of total calories derived from fat. (Low fat diet).
(ii) The subjects assigned to the low-carbohydrate diet were instructed to restrict carbohydrate intake to 30 g per day or less. No instruction on restricting total fat intake was provided. (High fat diet).

The study found:
(a) Those on the high fat diet lost an extra 3.9 kg (8.6 lb) compared to those on the low fat diet.
(b) The high unhealthy triglyceride levels of those on the high fat diet decreased by an extra 31 mg/dL (.35 mmol/l) compared to those on the low fat diet.
(c) The high unhealthy Hb1AC levels decreased by .6% in those on the high fat diet, whereas Hb1AC levels remained the same in those on the low fat diet.
(d) The unhealthy high glucose levels of those on the high fat diet decreased by an extra 9 mg/dL (.5 mmol/l) compared to those on the low fat diet.
(e) There was a greater increase in insulin sensitivity in those on the high fat diet compared to those on the low fat diet.

The results of this study show how a high-fat, carbohydrate-restricted diet is a superior treatment option for type 2 diabetes compared to a low-calorie, low fat diet.

Red meat reduces colon cancer by 34%

This study was published in the American Journal of Epidemiology 2004 Nov 15;160(10):1011-22

Study title and authors:
Dietary fat and fatty acids and risk of colorectal cancer in women.
Lin J, Zhang SM, Cook NR, Lee IM, Buring JE.
Division of Preventive Medicine, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02215, USA. jhlin@rics.bwh.harvard.edu

This study can be accessed at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15522858

Dr. Jennifer Lin, an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Harvard Medical School, examined the association of intakes of different types of fat with the risk of colon cancer. She and her colleagues analyzed the diets of 37,547 women over 8.7 years.

Dr. Lin found:

  • Women who consumed the most saturated fat had an 8% reduced incidence of colon cancer compared to the women who ate the least.
  • Women who consumed the most cholesterol had a 21% reduced incidence of colon cancer compared to the women who ate the least.
  • Women who consumed the most red meat had a 34% reduced incidence of colon cancer compared to the women who ate the least.
  • Women who consumed the most vegetable fat had a 21% increased incidence of colon cancer compared to the women who ate the least.

This study shows that dietary cholesterol, animal fats and red meat give protection from colon cancer, whereas vegetable fats (margarine, sunflower oil etc.) increase the risk of colon cancer.

Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012

Small LDL cholesterol size (caused by a high carbohydrate diet) is the highest risk factor for heart disease in type II diabetics

This study was published in Metabolism 2005 Feb;54(2):227-34

Study title and authors:
Low-density lipoprotein size and subclasses are markers of clinically apparent and non-apparent atherosclerosis in type 2 diabetes.
Berneis K, Jeanneret C, Muser J, Felix B, Miserez AR.
Department of Internal Medicine and Central Laboratories, Basel University Hospital Bruderholz, Switzerland 4101. kaspar@berneis.ch

This study can be accessed at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15690318

This study investigated the significance of various risk factors in the development of heart disease in type II diabetics. The investigators measured ten different risk factors in 38 overweight type II diabetics, such as  body mass index, blood pressure, smoking, high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, and low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol particle size.

Berneis found that small low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol particle size was most strongly associated with the highest risk of heart disease in type II diabetics.

Small particle sizes of low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol are caused by diets high in carbohydrate and low in fat see here and here.

Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

This Week in Food

Being away in San Francisco, it was interesting to see how I handled being out of my routine, food-wise. It went rather well, surprisingly! The place where I was staying offered in-room breakfast that you could pick. So... I picked an egg, bacon, and sausage for each morning. It was perfect! I cannot say enough about HomeAway.com, by the way. I found this great place in a great location for a great price! They had this cool gadget which poached my eggs and had space to heat up the pre-cooked breakfast meat. This went a long way in starting me off on the right foot each day.

I did also bring along a carton of Quest Bars, which I relied on during the days when I was out and about. I still have some lingering “issues” with food. Even though I no longer have the crazy blood sugar crashes, I do get a bit panicky if I don’t have something on hand, just in case. The bars aren’t Real Food and aren’t something that I plan to incorporate into my daily eating, but they were terrific for traveling. The sweet taste did spark some carb cravings, though, so I’m not sure if I will go this route again. As for carbs, I did eat some white potatoes, rice, and rice noodles during the trip (a medium to large serving about once per day, usually at dinner). I also ate a little more chocolate than usual. With all the walking I did, it wasn’t anything to really worry about. The only issue for me is the slippery slope factor. I didn’t go crazy with the carbs at all and start stuffing my face but I did notice an increase in my overall appetite while including them. As a result, I’m going to pull back again and stick to veggies, nuts, and some grain-free baked treats for my carb sources for now.

It always helps to have a plan, so I’m back at it! Since this is a weird week after coming back from the trip, we’ve been using up what we have in the freezer: lots of meat/seafood plus frozen vegetables. Not very creative, but definitely good and filling. I am looking forward to hitting the store over the weekend to get myself prepared for a bit of a more varied menu. As usual, I don’t assign things to specific days. This plan is to take us through the next couple of weeks.

To make over the weekend for quick grab and go lunches and dinners:

Chicken Salad/stock from a whole chicken
Butternut Squash Soup (using some of the aforementioned stock)
Burgers made with BBQ spice (bought in San Fran)
Baked Wings painted with melted butter and sprinkled with seasoning blend and salt
Curried Meatballs
Brown Rice*

Easy weeknight dinners to cook on the fly:

Taco Salad
Orange Chicken with broccoli
Pan seared sirloin steak over salad
Salmon with green beans and almonds
Shrimp cocktail with ketchup and a side salad

Breakfast items

Eggs to poach in my new microwave poacher
Bacon (have on hand from US Wellness Meats)
Hot Chocolate (almond milk, coconut oil, cocoa powder, vanilla, cinnamon, and stevia + mini blender = filling and delicious)


Homemade trail mix with assorted nuts, raisins, and coconut flakes
Hot dogs
Hard boiled eggs
Chips and Salsa*


Peanut Butter Cashew Butter Squares
Chocolate Chip Muffins

*For Cute Man

Professor says that low-carbohydrate, high-fat diets are the preferred method for treating type 2 diabetes

This paper was published in the Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal 2008 Aug;42(4):256-63

Study title and authors:
Carbohydrate restriction as the default treatment for type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.
Feinman RD, Volek JS.
Department of Biochemistry, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, 450 Clarkson Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11203, USA. rfeinman@downstate.edu

This paper can be accessed at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18609058

Professor Richard Feinman reviews the role of low carbohydrate diets in relation to treatment of diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

He found:

  • Dietary carbohydrate restriction in the treatment of diabetes and metabolic syndrome is based on an underlying principle of control of insulin secretion and the theory that insulin resistance is a response to chronic high blood glucose levels and high insulin levels.
  • This theory has substantial experimental support.
  • This theory has generally been opposed by health agencies because of concern that carbohydrate will be replaced by fat, particularly saturated fat, thereby increasing the risk of heart disease as dictated by the so-called diet-heart hypothesis. However recent data shows that, in fact, substitution of fat for carbohydrate generally improves heart disease risk factors.
  • Removing the barrier of concern about dietary fat makes carbohydrate restriction the preferred method for treating type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.
  • Low carbohydrate, high fat diets are shown to improve blood glucose control, lower HbA1C levels and reduce the need for diabetes medication.

This review find that a low carbohydrate, high fat diet is the preferred method for treating type 2 diabetes.

Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

Gluten-containing foods increase the risk of type 1 diabetes in children

This study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association 2003 Oct 1;290(13):1721-8

Study title and authors:
Early infant feeding and risk of developing type 1 diabetes-associated autoantibodies.
Ziegler AG, Schmid S, Huber D, Hummel M, Bonifacio E.
Diabetes Research Institute and Hospital München-Schwabing, Munich, Germany. anziegler@lrz.uni-muenchen.de

This study can be accessed at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14519706

Antibodies are proteins produced by the body. They are used by the immune system to detect and block the harmful effects of foreign substances such as viruses and bacteria.

Autoantibodies attack and damage the body's own healthy cells, tissues and organs. Islet cells in the pancreas produce the hormone insulin. If autoantibodies attack the islet cells then the production of insulin may be severely curtailed or stopped, so the presence of islet cell autoantibodies increases the risk of an individual developing type 1 diabetes.

The objective of the study was to determine whether breastfeeding duration, or age at introduction of gluten-containing foods influences the risk of developing islet autoantibodies. The study followed 1,610 newborn children of parents with type 1 diabetes for 5 years.

The study found there was a 300% rise in islet autoantibodies in children who received gluten-containing foods before the age of 3 months compared with children who received only breast milk until aged 3 months.

The study shows that introducing gluten-containing foods before the age of 3 months to children who have parents with type 1 diabetes significantly increases their risk of developing type 1 diabetes.

Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

High-carbohydrate, low-fat diets increase the risk of heart disease in diabetic patients

This study was published in Diabetes Care 1989 Feb;12(2):94-101

Study title and authors:
Persistence of hypertriglyceridemic effect of low-fat high-carbohydrate diets in NIDDM patients.
Coulston AM, Hollenbeck CB, Swislocki AL, Reaven GM.
Department of Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, California.

This study can be accessed at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2539286

Coulston notes that although low-fat high-carbohydrate diets are recommended for patients with diabetes in an effort to reduce the risk of coronary artery disease, the results of short-term studies have shown that these diets can actually lead to an increased risk of heart disease.

In this study Coulston observed the effects of such diets compared to higher-fat diets over a longer period of 6 weeks in diabetic patients.

The diets were either:
  • 60% carbohydrate, 20% protein, 20% fat (high-carbohydrate diet).
  • 40% carbohydrate, 20% protein, 40% fat (high-fat diet).

The study found:
  • The (bad) blood glucose and insulin concentrations were significantly elevated throughout the day when patients consumed the high-carbohydrate diet.
  • The (bad) triglyceride concentrations increased by 30% when patients consumed the high-carbohydrate diet.
  • The (bad) Very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) cholesterol was significantly increased when patients consumed the high-carbohydrate diet.
  • The (good) High density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels were significantly decreased when patients consumed the high-carbohydrate diet.

This study shows that a high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet increases the risk of heart disease in diabetic patients. 

Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

Spotlight on Rou Quan - Soft Fist

Rou Quan is a favourite form of mine because it mixes internal and external together. It may look gentle but that's because the strength is hidden inside the movement. It can make you quickly tired because you need to stay in the stances for a longer time. Sometimes the movement is soft and at other times you need to use power but this power is not the same as when you use power in a kung fu form, it is a special combination of mixing internal and external.

Rou Quan is a famous Shaolin form, which is independent from all the other forms. One of the reasons for this is because it has some famous traditional techniques hidden in the movement. If they are not pointed out then a person may practice the form and be totally unaware of this. At the Shaolin Temple, Qigong practioners practise it, as do kung fu practioners because it perfectly complements both internal training and external training.

It needs more space than Qi Gong so try and go outside or to a park and run through it two or three times a few times a week. Once your body remembers it you can let go of thinking and it will tap into the innate harmony in your body. Not only qill it improve your Qigong and Kung Fu but I guarantee you will feel peaceful after practicing Rou Quan and more ready to face the day. 

Meat, poultry and fish may help in the treatment of diabetes

This study was published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2002 Nov;56(11):1137-42

Study title and authors:
Coenzyme Q10 improves blood pressure and glycaemic control: a controlled trial in subjects with type 2 diabetes.
Hodgson JM, Watts GF, Playford DA, Burke V, Croft KD.
University of Western Australia Department of Medicine and HeartSearch, Royal Perth Hospital, Perth, Western Australia, Australia.

This study can be accessed at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12428181

The objective of the study was to assess the effects of dietary coenzyme Q10 on blood pressure and blood sugar levels in subjects with type 2 diabetes. The study included 74 patients with type two diabetes who received extra coenzyme Q10 for 12 weeks.

After 12 weeks of the extra coenzyme Q10 the study found:
  • There was a 3-fold increase in blood levels of coenzyme Q10.
  • Blood pressure was significantly lowered.
  • Blood sugar levels were lowered. HbA1C levels decreased by .37%.
The results of the study show that extra coenzyme Q10 may improve blood pressure and long-term blood sugar control in subjects with type 2 diabetes.

The richest dietary sources of coenzyme Q10 are meat, poultry, fish and organ meats such as liver, kidney and heart. 

Senin, 20 Februari 2012

High-fat diets are better than high-carbohydrate diets in the treatment of type 2 diabetes

This study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine 1988 Sep 29;319(13):829-34

Study title and authors:
Comparison of a high-carbohydrate diet with a high-monounsaturated-fat diet in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
Garg A, Bonanome A, Grundy SM, Zhang ZJ, Unger RH.
Center for Human Nutrition, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas 75235-9052.

This study can be accessed at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3045553

The study compared the effects of a high-carbohydrate diet with a high-fat diet in 10 patients with type 2 diabetes receiving insulin therapy. The patients were assigned to receive first one diet and then the other, each for 28 days.

The diets were:
(i) 60% carbohydrate, 15% protein, 25% fat (high carbohydrate diet).
(ii) 35% carbohydrate, 15% protein 50% fat (high fat diet).

The study found:
(a) As compared with the high-carbohydrate diet, the high-fat diet resulted in lower average glucose levels and reduced insulin requirements.
(b) As compared with the high-carbohydrate diet, the high-fat diet reduced unhealthy triglyceride levels by 25%.
(c) As compared with the high-carbohydrate diet, the high-fat diet reduced unhealthy lower very-low density lipoprotein (VLDL) levels by 35%.
(d) As compared with the high-carbohydrate diet, the high-fat diet increased healthy high density lipoprotein (HDL) levels by 13%.

The results of this study indicate that a high-fat diet is better than a high-carbohydrate diet in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. 

Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012

Drinking cola is associated with a 87% increased risk for development of type 2 diabetes

This study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association 2004 Aug 25;292(8):927-34

Study title and authors:
Sugar-sweetened beverages, weight gain, and incidence of type 2 diabetes in young and middle-aged women.
Schulze MB, Manson JE, Ludwig DS, Colditz GA, Stampfer MJ, Willett WC, Hu FB.
Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Mass, USA. mschulze@channing.harvard.edu

This study can be accessed at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15328324

The objective of the study was to examine the association between consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and weight change and risk of type 2 diabetes in women. The study lasted for eight years and included 91,249 women free of diabetes and other major chronic diseases at the start of the trial. Altogether there was 716,300 person-years of follow-up.

The study found:

  • Weight gain over a 4-year period was highest among women who increased their sugar-sweetened soft drink consumption from 1 or fewer drinks per week to 1 or more drinks per day (4.69 kg gain for 1991 to 1995 and 4.20 kg gain for 1995 to 1999).
  • Weight gain over a 4-year period was smallest among women who decreased their sugar-sweetened soft drink consumption from 1 or more drinks per day to 1 or fewer drinks per week (1.34 kg gain for 1991 to 1995 and 0.15 kg gain for 1995 to 1999).
  • Women consuming 1 or more sugar-sweetened soft drinks per day had a 83% increased risk of type 2 diabetes compared with those who consumed less than 1 of these beverages per month.
  • Women consuming 1 or more sugar-sweetened cola drinks per day had a 87% increased risk of type 2 diabetes compared with those who consumed less than 1 of these beverages per month.
  • Women consuming 1 or more fruit punch drinks per day had a 100% increased risk of type 2 diabetes compared with those who consumed less than 1 of these beverages per month.

Schulze concludes; "a higher consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages is associated with a greater magnitude of weight gain and an increased risk for development of type 2 diabetes in women."

Eating red meat cuts the rate of stomach cancer

This study was published in the International Journal of Cancer 1998 May 29;76(5):659-64

Study title and authors:
Dietary habits and stomach cancer in Shanghai, China.
Ji BT, Chow WH, Yang G, McLaughlin JK, Zheng W, Shu XO, Jin F, Gao RN, Gao YT, Fraumeni JF Jr.
Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, USA. jib@epndce.nci.nih.gov

This study can be accessed at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9610722

This study examined the connection between various types of food and stomach cancer. Included in the study were 1,124 stomach cancer patients (age 20-69) and 1,451 controls without stomach cancer.

The study found with regard to carbohydrate type food:

  • Men with the highest carbohydrate consumption had a 50% increased risk of stomach cancer compared to men with the lowest carbohydrate consumption.
  • Women with the highest carbohydrate consumption had a 90% increased risk of stomach cancer compared to women with the lowest carbohydrate consumption.
  • Men eating the most noodles and bread had a 10% increase in stomach cancer risk compared to men who ate the least noodles and bread.
  • Women eating the most noodles and bread had a 20% increase in stomach cancer risk compared to women who ate the least noodles and bread.

The study found with regard to meat and fat:

  • Men eating the most fresh red meat had a 10% decreased risk of stomach cancer compared to men eating the least fresh red meat.
  • Women eating the most fresh red meat had a 20% decreased risk of stomach cancer compared to women eating the least fresh red meat.
  • Men consuming the most eggs had a 40% reduction in stomach cancer risk compared to the men eating the least eggs.
  • Women consuming the most eggs had a 50% reduction in stomach cancer risk compared to the women eating the least eggs.
  • Men with the highest fat consumption had 30% less incidence of stomach cancer compared to men with the lowest consumption of fat.
  • Women with the highest fat consumption had 40% less incidence of stomach cancer compared to women with the lowest consumption of fat.

This study shows that a high carbohydrate diet increases the risk of stomach cancer whereas a diet high in fat, red meat and eggs lowers the risk of stomach cancer.

Jumat, 17 Februari 2012

Ibuprofen increases the risk of breast cancer by 51%

This study was published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2005 Jun 1;97(11):805-12

Study title and authors:
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug use and breast cancer risk by stage and hormone receptor status.
Marshall SF, Bernstein L, Anton-Culver H, Deapen D, Horn-Ross PL, Mohrenweiser H, Peel D, Pinder R, Purdie DM, Reynolds P, Stram D, West D, Wright WE, Ziogas A, Ross RK.
Department of Preventive Medicine, Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90033, USA. smarshal@usc.edu

This study can be accessed at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15928301

The study analyzed data on 114,460 women aged 22 to 85 years to investigate the relationship between breast cancer and aspirin and ibuprofen use.

The study found:

  • Women who used aspirin between 1 and 6 days a week had a 9% increase in breast cancer rates compared to women who rarely used aspirin.
  • Women who used aspirin between 1 and 6 days a week in a period of over 5 years had a 12% increase in breast cancer rates compared to women who rarely used aspirin.
  • Women who took ibuprofen daily had a 24% increase in breast cancer rates compared to women who rarely used ibuprofen.
  • Women who took ibuprofen daily in a period of over 5 years had a 51% increase in breast cancer rates compared to women who rarely used ibuprofen.

This study shows that aspirin and ibuprofen use increase the incidence of breast cancer.

Rabu, 15 Februari 2012

High beef consumption lowers colon cancer risk by 33%

This study was published in the American Journal of Epidemiology 1979 Feb;109(2):132-44

Study title and authors:
A case-control study of relationships of diet and other traits to colorectal cancer in American blacks.
Dales LG, Friedman GD, Ury HK, Grossman S, Williams SR.

This study can be accessed at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/425952

This study investigated the relationship between colon cancer and the consumption of various meats in 99 black colorectal cancer patients and 280 controls who were free from cancer.

The study found:

  • Those who ate the most chicken had a 8% reduced risk of colon cancer.
  • Those who ate the most beef had a 33% reduced risk of colon cancer.

This study shows that beef and chicken consumption is associated with reduced rates of colon cancer.

Selasa, 14 Februari 2012

Paracetamol use is associated with increases with many cancers

This study was published in the International Journal of Cancer 2002 Jan 1;97(1):96-101

Study title and autors:
Cancer risk in persons receiving prescriptions for paracetamol: a Danish cohort study.
Friis S, Nielsen GL, Mellemkjaer L, McLaughlin JK, Thulstrup AM, Blot WJ, Lipworth L, Vilstrup H, Olsen JH.
Institute of Cancer Epidemiology, Danish Cancer Society, Copenhagen, Denmark. friis@cancer.dk

This study can be accessed at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11774249

Cancer incidence among 39,946 individuals receiving prescriptions for paracetamol was compared with expected incidence with individuals who did not receive paracetamol prescriptions over a 9 year period.

The study found, that compared to people who did not take paracetamol;

  • Esophagus cancer was 90% higher in people who took paracetamol.
  • Lung cancer was 60% higher in people who took paracetamol.
  • Liver cancer was 50% higher in people who took paracetamol.
  • Kidney cancer was 60%  higher in people who took paracetamol.
  • Bladder cancer was 10%  higher in people who took paracetamol.

This study reveals that paracetamol use is associated with increases with many cancers. 

Sweet Treats - Part Two

The homemade peppermint patty and peanut butter cup bites I mentioned yesterday turned out amazing! What a fun treat. I sort of took in the ideas from both recipes and smushed them together to make creating them at the same time more efficient.

You'll need:

Two loaf size pans
Parchment Paper
2 cups Enjoy Life semi sweet chocolate chips
1/2 cup cashew butter (can use peanut or almond butter)
1 Tbs Maple Syrup (can use honey)
1/2 cup coconut oil
3/4 tsp Organic peppermint oil
1/4 cup shredded unsweetened coconut
1 dropper Liquid stevia extract

Here's what I did:

Line both loaf pans with parchment paper. Heat chocolate chips in a small saucepan stirring continuously until it's all melty-goodness. Spoon a bit of the melted chocolate to cover the bottom of each pan and put in the freezer to harden (you should have about half the chocolate left after you do this). Meanwhile, stir the syrup into the nut butter in a bowl. In another bowl, mix together the coconut oil, coconut, stevia, and 1/2 tsp of the peppermint oil. When the chocolate has hardened (took about 10 minutes), take out of the freezer and smear one pan with the nut butter mixture and the other with the peppermint mixture. Put the pans back in the freezer to firm up this layer (another 5-10 minutes). Take the pans back out and add the final chocolate layer to the nut butter pan and return it to the freezer. Add a 1/4 tsp of peppermint oil to the remaining chocolate, then use it for the final layer of the peppermint version. (Yes, there's added mint in the top layer of the candy but not in the bottom layer. It just worked out well logistically to use the same pan with the melted chocolate and just add the flavoring at the very end. Between the minty-ness of the filling and the final layer, it's plenty!) Put the mint version back in the freezer one final time. When both are hardened, take out and cut up into bite sized pieces. Share with love!

Rising diarrhea rates linked to statins

This paper was published in Medical Hypotheses 2009 Dec;73(6):1045-7. Epub 2009 Aug 4

Study title and authors:
Clinically important interaction between statin drugs and Clostridium difficile toxin?
McGuire T, Dobesh P, Klepser D, Rupp M, Olsen K.
College of Pharmacy, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE 68198-6045, United States. trmcguir@unmc.edu

This paper can be accessed at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19656639

Clostridium difficile associated disease (CDAD), a common type of antibiotic associated diarrhea, is increasing in frequency and is now occurring more commonly in younger patients who are relatively healthy and may not be receiving antibiotics.

This paper investigated the factors which may have caused the rise in Clostridium difficile associated disease and found:
  • Gastric acid suppression, particularly via proton pump inhibitors (Losec, Prevacid, Nexium, Kapidex) is a risk factor for the development of Clostridium difficile associated disease.
  • A statin trial demonstrated an increased rate of Clostridium difficile associated disease in patients receiving statins compared to non-statin controls.

Mcguire concludes that the weight of the evidence leads to the hypothesis that statins interact with Clostridium difficile toxin causing an increase in the rate and severity of Clostridium difficile associated disease (diarrhea).

Homo Entropicus and the Human Condition

The collapsing of the 20th Century scientific science of life worldview is now obvious. That world-view, governed by Einstein's 'Premier law of all science', the 'Universal heat death Law', now embraces life-science concepts based upon fractal logic. Life-science now extends to a fractal infinity, rather than obeying the concept that all life in the universe must be condemned to a universal heat death extinction. Nanotechnology has revealed the functioning of fractal logic within the DNA responding to evolutionary information that has written the obituary of the horrific sentence of continual chaos that has been imposed upon global society for centuries.

For example. quantum biology scientists, Casati, Guaneri and Maspero from the International Centre for the Study of Dynamical Systems, in Italy, have been researching fluctuations of survival probability in an open quantum system. Now that the newly emerging quantum biological life-science chemistry has been rigorously associated with the Platonic world-view philosophy, as published by the NASA High Energy Astrophysics Division Library, an ancient crude human survival map reveals itself. As 'the human condition' holds the survival blueprint for humanity, this article asks, can the ancient map play a role to help upgrade the fractal model for environmental survival into a new practical medical science?

Medical scientists Tambasco, Eliasziw and Magliocco, have applied fractal analysis to breast cancer, categorising patients according to a scale of low, intermediate and high fractal dimension. Their findings argued that such medical methodology was more relevant for survival than the methodology used by standard prognosticators. From this observation it can be reasoned that fractal logic is the key to human well being. A life-energy discovery, selected for reprinting in 1990 by the world's largest technological research institute, Washington's IEEE SPIE Milestone Series, fully endorses that proposal.

During the 1980s two mathematical life-science papers, from the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, now considered to have been based upon fractal logic geometrical logic, demonstrated that seashell evolution was governed by new physics forces governing optimum biological growth and development through space-time. A peer review investigation over of the Centre's claim that the 20th Century world-view had been based upon false physics assumptions, was undertaken in 1997 by the United Nations University Millennium Project, Australasian Node. In 2010, Dr Paul Wildman, the Chair to that investigation, stated in writing that the President of the Institute for Basic research in the USA had observed from the published discovery, that the 20th Century scientific world-view was unable to generate healthy biological growth and development simulations through space-time, which gives credence to the above mentioned medical life-science findings.

Fractal geometry, which evolved out of chaos theory, can be described as self similarity at infinite scales. It is a dynamical system that balances order with complexity. Without order, increasing complexity becomes chaotic and malfunctions. Disease can be considered to be an entropic human malfunction. By upgrading the original Platonic life-science guidance map,well-being, on the other hand, is our natural human condition.

The healthy human appears to reflect a fractal wholeness down to sub-atomic particle movement dimensions. Sir Isaac Newton's unpublished heresy papers, discovered last century, expressed such a fractal world-view, in which a "more profound natural philosophy existed to balance the mechanical (entropic) description of the universe", based upon the principles of particle movement. That world-view completely challenges the logic upholding the now obsoltete 20th Century world-view. The former, derived from the Platonic life-science world-view, is important. It is consistent with the new Platonic-Fullerene fractal life science Chemistry now emerging throughout the world, in particular as the forte of the University of Florence's prize winning New Measurement of Humanity Renaissance Project chemistry.

The idea of a Life Force that extends to infinity, has been common to many cultures for millennia, as the source of energy that promotes health and well being. The Chinese call it Chi; in India it is referred to as Prana. Today it is called quantum bio-energy, the auric force field, vortex energy and in many other terms. In the world of physics it is known as scalar or subtle energy and has also been referred to as time-reversed waves, non-hertzian waves, longitudinal waves, scalar waves, or zero-point energy.

In answering our question, what role does fractal logic play in the human condition survival data, the answer can be considered to be that, fractal logic is crucial in order to effect healthy human survival futuristic progression. The sooner humanity embraces the importance of fractal logic in our lives, the more chance Homo Entropicus has of making it to the next evolutionary level.

Eating Healthy Foods For Our Healthy Bodies

Food is the fuel that drives human life and health just like gas drives the automobiles. Failure to eat good food will automatically result in some kind of health problems. While many people tend to eat for the sake of satisfying their hunger, the emphasis on eating healthy foods cannot be overlooked.

In an ever busy world, it has become trendy to rush down to the nearest eatery and to grab some fries since it is always the most convenient and available option to many. There are however a lot of risks in this kind of behavior. The body needs certain nutrients to perform different functions.

These nutrients are so many ranging from some forms of acids to the fats and sugars but they are generally grouped into three major categories namely the carbohydrates, the vitamins and the proteins. Each of these groups has their specific functions in the body.

It is therefore needless to say that eating healthy foods ultimately means eating well balanced portions from all these three groups. Having acknowledged the fact that all the groups contribute significantly to the healthy body and life that we are able to lead, it is also important to point out that failure to have any or all of the groups will no doubt lead to health problems related to nutrition.

The food groups as divided into three main groups will all contribute to some problems if not found in their right quantities and quality. For starters, let us look at proteins. Proteins are known to be the major body building ingredient and it is therefore very important. In order to develop or replace any tissues or muscles in the body, you must have plenty of proteins.

Proteins come in two main groups namely the plant and animal proteins. It is in this further grouping that we will find a difference in people as well. There are those who do not eat animal proteins. They are known as vegetarians or vegans. The animal protein can be found in meat, milk and eggs while plant proteins come from beans, nuts and peas among other dicotyledonous seeds

It is nonetheless advisable not to take too much. There are always recommended rations for specific people and that can be determined by your body type as well as the activities in which you take part on a regular basis. It is their body building properties that make them very important especially for young children who need to grow. There is no way you can grow if you do not have the body building food.

The other group being the carbohydrates is responsible for the energy levels. It is this group of healthy foods that will enhance your energy and therefore having plenty of them in your diet is important especially for the very active people who need too much energy. These are the most common group of food and they can be obtained form corn, potatoes, rice bread among many others.

Lastly you have the vitamins that basically help in immune boosting. The body must have defense mechanism to fight against any diseases that may attack and the vitamins are the ones in charge of that. Vitamins are generally found in green plants such as vegetables and fruits and should be eaten in plenty.

Achieve Health Goals? Say Mooo to Meat and Dairy!

"You put a baby in a crib with an apple and a rabbit. If it eats the rabbit and plays with the apple, I'll buy you a new car." Harvey Diamond

Oh, where to begin on this topic! This could be one of the most controversial, confusing, misunderstood, mis-communicated, lied about, topics of healthy living that we face as a race today!

So why all the fuss? Why are people starting to talk more and more about meat consumption being bad for human health? Are they all just annoying tree huggers? Over the top activists who jump on any old band wagon that comes along? Or could it be that there is truth in the idea that eating meat is bad for the human body? And if this is so, why have we been taught for so many years that animal products are good for us? Do you want to achieve health goals? Stay with me, we will cover this in detail.

For years people believed that the world was flat. Only when brave sailors pushed the boundaries of understanding did the human race begin to understand the earth is a sphere.

People were absolutely certain that objects denser than air would never fly. This understanding was smashed when adventurous souls dared to attempt the impossible and use machines to fly through the air.

For centuries people believed that the there was a sun god and when they displeased this sun god, it would punish them with bad weather and poor harvest that year.Today, very few human beings hold this belief.

For years people believed there was no harm to come from smoking. It was even believed by some to be good for a person's health to smoke. Nowadays, it is widely understood that smoking, even passively, will cut years from a human life and cause illness along the way.

I believe there will come a time in the next few decades (hopefully sooner) when people will look upon eating meat with the same pitiful smile or look of disbelief they do when thinking of poor souls who used to believe smoking was ok, or that an angry sun god was responsible for the weather patterns. Quite honestly, that day couldn't come soon enough! If people really want to achieve health goals then this shift needs to happen.

"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian die." Albert Einstein

For people who eat meat as a staple part of their diet, whenever this topic comes up for discussion, the usual initial response is 'meat gives me my protein, my iron, energy, helps me build muscles, people have done it for thousands of years, all animals do it, it's natural, it's why we have canine teeth.'

If someone can move past their absolute belief that it's good for them and natural to eat meat, the next and obvious question that comes up is 'Then why have we been taught that eating meat is good for us?' Great question!

Why have we been taught for decades that consuming animal products is good for us? We will cover this more later in this article, but for now suffice to say there are 2 main reasons for this sort of misunderstanding. The first is ignorance which can lead to the belief that what they are teaching you is correct. The second is that the person telling you the lie is doing so because they have another agenda.

In the case of eating meat, the other agenda very often comes down to bottom line profit of the animal farming corporations. Woe betide anyone effecting their bottom line profits for something as unimportant as the health of the human race!

So before I jump on my soapbox and put you off reading the rest of this article, let me tell you that I won't be speaking just from my opinion, I will share with you facts that you can decipher however you choose to. If this article does nothing more than entertain you for 10 minutes, so be it. If however, this jolts you out of your ignorance of the facts and helps you understand the devastating effects your food choices are having on yours and your family's health, then I will rest happy.

The Protein Myth...

This seems to be among the first objections people come up with when they have at least a semi-serious thought about not eating meat or at least cutting down the amount they eat. We have had this myth pummelled into us so deeply and for so long that virtually every adult I speak to knows that we need protein and we need to eat meat to get enough.

Nothing could be further from the truth however. The idea that we need to eat meat for protein and we need to eat the quantities that are promoted is shear lunacy. There is zero truth in this and the people promoting this idea to us have a profit to make when we buy their products. This is why it is always important to query the intention of the person telling you anything. If they have an agenda to serve themselves, you may not be able to trust the information.

For example, the standard recommendation throughout the developed world ranges anywhere from 10-50% of your daily calorie intake should be coming from protein and, in particular, animal protein in the forms of meat and dairy products. The problem with these figures is that anything higher than 10-15% is beginning to defy all sincere and unbiased evidence. To achieve health goals requires drastically less than the people who profit will ever suggest to you.

Here's what some unbiased scientists have to say:

The American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition - recommends approximately 2.5 % of our daily caloric intake should be protein.

The World Health Organisation - recommends approximately 4.5% of our daily caloric intake should be protein.

The National Research Council in the U.S - recommends just over 8% of our daily caloric intake to be protein. The NRC even allowed a hefty margin to account for what they believe to be 98% of the population. The number would be less than 8% without this added caution. So 8% is considered to be completely safe.

These types of results are typical of studies produced by unbiased parties. When scientists who truly value finding what is healthy for the human race undertake such a study, the results usually fall somewhere in this category. Studies produced by bodies that have a direct or indirect link to any large organisation that will suffer the loss of sales if the truth about protein intake becomes common knowledge often report higher numbers.

Just a few days ago I saw an article in the news that the U.K government will be asking McDonald's, KFC and other such companies to help them create U.K health policy in the future. Now forgive me for being skeptical, but I don't believe for one second that the likes of McDonald's and KFC will have, as their first priority, the health of the nation over the profit of their business'.

"The beef industry has contributed to more American deaths than all the wars of this century, all natural disasters, and all automobile accidents combined. If beef is your idea of "real food for real people" you'd better live real close to a real good hospital." Neal Barnard

So, back to this protein debate. When in your life are you growing the quickest? When you are a baby, right! So when you are consuming mother's milk and you are growing at the fastest rate you will ever grow, what percentage of mother's milk do you think is protein?

Anywhere from 1% to 7%, depending on which study you read, of human mother's milk is protein. On its own this may not act conclusively to prove our protein needs are that small, but among all the other evidence compiled over and over again, it becomes an absolute certainty that anything more than 10% is absolutely not necessary and, in fact, can be harmful to the body - especially if it is protein from any animal via meat or dairy products.

So what happens when people eat too much meat? They get sick, ill and tired. You see, contrary to popular belief, our bodies are not designed to ingest meat, certainly not in the quantities that a lot of people are jamming it down. For a start our colon is shaped in such a way that really does not lend itself to meat being processed. When compared to a natural carnivore in the wilderness, like a lion for example, who have short and smooth colons, ours are much longer and shaped in such a way that inhibits the transition of meat through our colon effectively.

But even if we take that factor away, let's look at some more evidence...

'I get my iron from meat, what would I do if I stop eating meat?'

Let's get straight passed this one with simple facts. The flesh of animals and dairy products provide very small amounts of iron compared to vegetables!

Of all the meats, studies show beef, steak in particular, has the highest concentration of iron that the animal world has to offer. In a 100 calorie serving of sirloin steak you could expect to find 1.9 milligrams of iron. Contrast this to the following list of 100 calorie servings of vegetables and fruits:

Spinach = 11.3

Beet greens = 11.2

Cucumber = 6.0

Iceburg lettuce = 3.8

Broccoli = 3.1

Courgette/zucchini = 2.7

Strawberries = 2.7

Tomatoes = 2.4

Lemons = 2.0

These are only some of the fruits and vegetables that have more iron content than the highest provider from the meat and dairy side. So if you think you need meat for it's iron content, please think again!! To achieve health goals you need simply eat your vegetables and you'll have all the protein your body needs.

Not only do meat and dairy products provide inadequate nutrition, they also have a whole host of nastiness within them which people tend to know a little about but seem reluctant to do anything about.

Part 2 of 'achieve health goals?' will be posted soon.

Immune System - The Body's Frontline of Defense

The human immune system is the body's fundamental nerve center of defense. It also keeps a close protective watch over the activities and conditions of the body's organ systems at the cellular level. It is a system constituted by organ structures and the integrative biological mechanisms that they employ in order to identify external stimuli and prevent life-threatening pathogens, infected cells, or tumors from harming the body. The immune system launches an attack on a foreign intruder that often sabotage and cause destruction inside the body-disrupting the activities of the vital organs, attacking good cells and leaving the body vulnerable to sickness or debilitating ailments.

Simply put, the immune system prevents invaders from disturbing the human body and putting it in peril.

The primary aim is to protect the human body and preserve biological homeostasis among the organ systems. A foreign intruder from without cause instability to the biological systems of the body's internal environment and the immune system for its part is primed to be sensitive to even the slightest change happening deep within the human body. The immune system are like patrolling watchmen that keep an eye on the vicinity and are ready to defend the body when a perceived threat is identified and the type of response relative to the nature of the invading intruder is determined. When the system is alerted, they build a defensive barricade-antibodies, for example-that combat a bacterium, virus or even a tumor cell. This mode of defensive strike is highly organized in a controlled way for the immune system specifically targets only alien intruders that mean harm to the body or infected cells that can harm other healthy cells.

The destruction of healthy cells in the body is linked to the disastrous onslaught of diseases that are debilitating to human health and even fatal to human life. Many of these illnesses such as tuberculosis (or bacterial infection of the lungs) and AIDS (or Acquired Immune deficiency Syndrome) are highly infectious and wreak havoc to human populations at epidemic proportions. Viruses are molecular parasites that take over the human body and even mutate into several strains that can withstand the most advanced or powerful clinical drug designed to quell them. Some viruses in addition cause types of cancers such as in the case of cervical cancer due to Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Cancerous cells, for their part, are wily enough to play tricks on the human body by flying under the system's radar so to speak and quietly yet rapidly replicating undetected.

The system's significance to human life is so vital and critical that modern science is driven to develop the best technology and pharmaceutical medicine that work with the natural autoimmune response of the body particularly in times of crisis.

The Role of Herbs in Human Life

Today users can see variety of herbs in Indian gardens and across the world. These herbs are playing important role in human life. These herbs are beneficial for getting fruitful healthy body. In many historic books these herbs are showing lots of medicinal benefits in the market. Consumers should be aware of the fact that these herbs are quite famous because of their home remedies effects. Lots of books were written by herbs experts for showing the importance of herbs in human life. Few consumers know these herbs are used as home remedies for treating day to day ailments. Herbs have the capacity of treating dreaded diseases such as swine flu. Many users go for herbs supplements for overcoming their shortcomings related to health.

Today varied types of herbs are used a medicinal plant with different qualities like flavor, scent, and other things. Also herbs are used in the preparation of herbal foods and for spiritual activities in social life. Also tulsi which is known as herb has wide spread usages because of its medicinal effects in many countries. It is known that lots of consumers using tulsi for making black tea,medicines,in poojas and other activities in their daily life. Today users should know that the herbs has important role in providing effective healthy life. Also it is found that herbs shows its importance in a varied forms such as culinary, spiritual, and medicinal.

Now different parts of the herbs such as leaves, roots, flowers, seeds, resin, root barks are used in several activities especially for spiritual activities. In several parts of the world herbs are used to honour their kings showing it as a symbol of luck. Now after finding the role of herbs lots of consumers started the plantation of tulsi in their homes. Consumers will also come across varied usages of herbs like in pest control mint, spearmint, peppermint, pennyroyal all forms are used. In many countries different kinds of herbs are used to keep flies, mice, ants and flees away from homes and offices. So it is very important for the users to visit online shops to know more about herbs before making its usage.

Benefits of Colon Cleansing For a Long Life

Life span of the human is hundred years but sixty percentages of people died with in short life span due to diseases. Excessive toxins in the body are root cause for all diseases in the body and sometimes it turns in to life threaten diseases. Most of the people not realized the essentialness of colon cleansing to lead long life. This is the time to analysis about the colon cleansing and its advantages.

Colon cleansing is indispensable because the life style of peoples in this modern world. Irregular food habits, in taken of chunky foods routinely, not following proper timing for eating this all finally blocks the colon system of the body which in turn instead of separating the body wastage the system starts to consume the wastage, this basic mechanism of the body is root cause for all diseases of human

Colon system needs cleansing when its functioning is abnormal because of the blocked wastages of the body. This is the stage where the poisonous toxins mixed back into the systems of the body. Hence cleansing is vital for the body to absorb necessary nutrients. The following are the diseases caused by improper functioning of colon system.

o Chronic fatigue
o Acid reflux (GERD)
o Irritable bowel syndrome
o Bloating
o Constipation
o Skin and hair problems

So cleaning the colon system is the only way to get rid of harmful diseases or by micro flora improvements in the intestine through introducing the good bacteria in the digestive system.

Clean colon can function properly over all good health is the result of colon cleansing. Colon cleansing is essential for all humans once in a year. The other benefits of colon cleansing is controlling the occurrence of diarrhea and constipation, improves the immune system of the body, the other surprising benefit of colon cleansing is weight loss, The transit time of digestion and consumption is regularized, Vitamins and other nutrients from foods are easily absorbed by the body.

Many procedures are followed to clean the colon system using herbs, colon products, medicines and home remedies. Any of the procedure should be compulsory followed once in year for the healthy life. The following are the additional benefits of colon cleansing

o Healthy skin
o Energy level augmented
o High concentration
o Good health condition

Colon should be cleaned before cleaning the other system because unless cleaning the colon no system can function proper again it starts to consume the wastage from the colon after getting clean. So colon cleaning is the first foremost step for the good health of the body.

Human life is only once and it's a responsible of an individual to preserve the health to lead long life in this earth. Prevention is better than cure, in order to prevent the body from various diseases colon cleansing is very important to each human. Follow healthy food habits to avoid the improper functioning of digestive system. Good condition of the colon system extends the life span of normal human being.

How Important Is Health and Fitness?

Health and fitness

In every human life health and fitness is a very important thing. It is like one of the parts of a human life. A human must follow the rules of it regularly. It is also a good way to find happiness in life. There are many ways to gain health and fitness.

Firstly, by taking those foods which contain vitamins, nutrition, minerals. Secondly, by getting sound sleep of minimum eight hours. Lastly, through taking exercise like jogging or playing many kinds of sports. A human body which is unhealthy and unfit can be attacked by many diseases. And it is also very dangerous. Now a days it has become an increasing priority for people all over the world. As medical science continues to point to the indisputable benefits of regular exercise and managing a healthy diet, many people have begun instituting daily routines designed to make them feel healthier and help themselves to live longer. Today's world is the most competitive and toughest one; each and every individual hardly finds enough time to keep themselves fit by way of physical exercise or by using sophisticated modern health equipments that may be supportive to keep their body healthier.

Today's extensive hard work from dawn to dusk that may cause severe mental stress, weakness, sickness and various organic problems that may also lead de-generative disease like Coronary Heart Disease, Diabetes, Cervical Spondiolitise, Insomnia and or so many other fatal diseases. There are so many modern handy equipments in the space using extensively by the people to keep fit themselves, but ultimately, such equipments found miserable in the long run. People get tired of by using all such unorthodox and miserable products. There are many health and fitness products which are useful to stay healthy and fit. They are- dumbbells, weight plates, EZ curl bar, tricep bar, hyper extension bench, preacher bench, the arm blaster, chin up bar, benches etc. Dumbbell exercises are performed with dumbbell in each hand. Weight plates range from 2.5 lbs to 100 lbs.

They are usually iron. The EZ curl bar is designed for working the bicep and tricep. The hyper extension bench is used for working in lower back, hamstring, and glute muscels. The preacher bench is designed for working the biceps. The arm blaster works similar to preacher bench by eliminating body momentum and allows you to isolate the biceps. The chin up bar is a iron bar that is either bolted to the wall or part of a exercise machine. Chin ups are great for working the back, biceps and forearms. The most common equipment in any gym is the bench. There are three types of benches flat, incline and decline. Some benches are adjustable. They can be adjusted either flat, incline or decline. Some benches have racks on one end for holding a barbell. While other benches do not have any racks.

Healthy Behaviors

"Health is wealth" is a famous saying. Humans undergo many challenges in whole life, most of them relevant to health issues. Health issues caused by different factors among them are accidental and by nature. Accidental issues occur due to human or non human factors, while taking the precautionary measures in the workplace keep human safe from non human factors. Non human factors are such which occurs due to natural disasters e.g Storms, floods, and earthquakes.

In current technology era every one involves in tight schedule and routines and don't have much time to take care of him/her self properly. Therefore health disorders remain an ordinary issue. Keeping in view of one's daily way of life shows how much health conscious attitude one adopts.

Health could be maintained by taking balance diet and regular exercise. Balance diets means to get enough calories required for body as well essential elements by which the age factor can be reduced. Health consciousness is very basic for everyone. As far as the exercise routine concerns normally 3-4 hours necessary to keep the body muscles active.

Walking is also a complete exercise and jogging make the body active more. In morning when oxygen is much in air, taking exercise makes body healthy and muscles active. Blood flows whole body which strengthens muscles, metabolism in blood take oxygen (O2) cells to each body part that generates energy and muscles becomes lively.

Water is the main element of living being, 60% of the human body is water, brain has 70% water, and lungs contain 90% water. Waterborne diseases are diarrhea, typhoid, cholera and parasite infections all these disease caused by contaminated water. Over 880 million peoples worldwide do not have access to pure drinking water. Normally water intake for human being is 2.5 liter it did vary with age, sex and weight of human body. Traces of contamination also found in the tap water so try avoid drinking tap water, Health depends on the water intake and quality of water, while considering healthy behavior water should be of good quality and enough to fulfill ones daily requirements.

Taking in view of necessary steps to get healthy lifestyle while avoiding tragic factors one must consider to get optimum results in routine task. All this is possible adapting the points discussed in the lastly paragraphs which are;

• Balance diet
• Regular exercise
• Fresh air availability
• Pure drinking water

It is not necessary that healthy peoples belongs to specific region, but communally contains a set of matching characteristics. They enjoy professions and don't get tired while working in same routine and working hours. Love profession stimulates energy level and consistency remains bottom line for the whole scenario.

Bad habits of smoking, alcohol and late night sleeping are the root cause that results in obesity, heart failures, diabetes, and anxiety. These habits should be avoided to take a longer lifespan for human beings. Mostly smokers and alcohol addicts are habitual and can't deny to this. Alcoholism creates a non healthy behavior that shows bad results like quarreling all time in the department and with coworkers, it do harm to its family life that includes wife, children and siblings. The alcohol control policies are marked while in the organization facing such problems and other measures taken to prohibit alcohol and smoking depends on the family members and siblings. Alcohols and smoking is prohibited under teen age and if found guilty punish and fined also noticed to parents or guardians. Driving after taking alcohol caused accidents because the toxicity makes the nervous system unconsciousness.

Prevention and treatment of addicted could be carried out by many ways also taking appropriate steps like engaging a doctor or a psychiatric consultant that make necessary steps to stop chain smoking and drinking plenty of alcohols.

Taking meals of large calories resulted in obesity and indigestion which if not cure results very harmful affects to human life, it purely thicken the blood stream and caused clotting in the blood or brain tumors finally.