Senin, 23 Agustus 2010

Executive Summary

Executive Summary

York’s Healthy Kitchen will be living the practice of thinking globally and acting locally. Our efforts are aimed at eliminating world hunger by helping to address the basic food needs of people in greater York, Pennsylvania. We believe that nutritious life sustainable food is a human right. Our model is based on the operation of One World Everybody Eats in Salt Lake City, Utah; SAME (So All May Eat) Cafe in Denver, and One World Spokane.

What is unique about this approach is that “there is no regular menu. Whole and when possible, in season organic food is prepared in small batches and served to patrons who choose their own portions of soups, salads, entrees and desserts. To help with portion control, we offer small, medium and large plates. Patrons are expected to pay a fair and respectable price for the food that they have eaten. Price guidelines are available. One World Spokane has found that the privilege of choosing portion size and price leads to little or no food waste.”

No one, however, is turned away. “If a diner does not have sufficient money to leave, they are encouraged to exchange an hour of service. Our philosophy is that everyone, regardless of economic status, deserves the chance to eat healthy food while being treated with dignity.”

The community kitchen is a proven model that “attracts an economically diverse clientele, which makes it sustainable and builds a stronger broad based community. There are volunteer positions available daily for those who want to earn meal vouchers or to contribute their time. We will provide one meal voucher for each hour of service. Children eight years and under can eat on their parent's voucher. We will serve a complimentary meal that is available to everyone and is the perfect nutritional solution for those with little time and money.” The motto of the “One World Everybody Eats” founder Denise Cerreta is "a hand up, not a hand out," meaning, anyone can eat.

York’s Healthy Kitchen is a not for profit business enterprise that seeks the support of the whole community: Business and Political Leaders, Local Farmers, Grocers and Cooperatives, Culinary Schools, Faith Communities and Non-profit groups. The café style operation is located in Downtown York City to be convenient and accessible to all. We invite all of our York area neighbors to become a part of this life sustaining and environmentally sustainable community kitchen.