Rabu, 24 Februari 2016

Atorvastatin use associated with acute pancreatitis

This study was published in Medicine (Baltimore) 2016 Feb;95(7):e2545

Study title and authors:
Atorvastatin Use Associated With Acute Pancreatitis: A Case-Control Study in Taiwan.
Lai SW, Lin CL, Liao KF.
College of Medicine (S-WL, C-LL); Department of Family Medicine (S-WL); Management Office for Health Data (C-LL), China Medical University Hospital, Taichung;

This study can be accessed at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26886597

The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between atorvastatin use and acute pancreatitis. The study consisted of 5,810 cases aged 20 to 84 years with a first-time diagnosis of acute pancreatitis and 5,733 randomly selected controls without acute pancreatitis.

The study found that current users of atorvastatin had a 67% increased risk of acute pancreatitis compared with subjects with never use of atorvastatin.

Lai concluded: "Current use of atorvastatin is associated with the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis."

Links to other studies:
Statins increase the risk of acute pancreatitis by 44%
Use of statins associated with a 25% increased risk of pancreatitis
Pancreatitis induced by statins

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