Selasa, 28 Desember 2010

The Matrix

Governments, run by the big corporations and their trusty messengers, the media, doctors and health workers (AKA Agent Smith) lie to us poor souls trapped in the Matrix, that the low fat low cholesterol “healthy eating” dogma is designed for our health, and not for their friends - industrial agriculture and the multi-national food producers (AKA Agent Brown).

We, stuck in the Matrix, blindly and obediently eat our sugar coated cereals, our MSG laden TV dinners, our low fat “healthy yogurts” and drink our, devoid of any life giving properties, no fat homogenised UHT milk. We also see on TV how drinking sugar drenched cans of cola makes us irresistible to the opposite sex. Agents Smith & Brown are very happy and rich. So is Agent Jones, more of him later.

We, stuck in the Matrix, dutifully follow the low fat, low cholesterol god, we eat more cereal and bread (wholemeal of course), we stuff ourselves with fruit & veg and we absolutely swim in soy & margarine (low cholesterol of course). It’s all good, laugh Agents Smith & Brown, heavily weighed down by the excess cash crammed into their pockets. “Eat as the low fat, low cholesterol god decrees” say Agents Smith & Brown (Agent Jones smilingly agrees), they lie “you will have good health forever”! They see $$$ signs in front of their eyes.

We, stuck in the Matrix, are told don’t eat meat, don’t eat fat, don’t eat lard, don’t eat cholesterol and under no circumstances ever, ever have tallow. YOU WILL DIE IMMEADIATELY say agents Smith & Brown, with a great sigh of relief as we, stuck in the Matrix, obey them with sheer fear. We frantically bustle our way to the nearest almighty great provider (Walmart) and gratefully spend our pittance on our genetically modified low fat, no cholesterol tofu lovingly engineered, assembled and manufactured by the all powerful one who feeds us all (Monsanto).

However, we, stuck in the Matrix, are puzzled. When we reach 30, some even in their teens, do not have the body of Greek gods. We can no longer scamper after a bus, we fall asleep in the middle of the day yet cannot sleep at night. Our clothes shrink, we’ve no need to visit a barber. We furtively scour the internet for those little pills that help in the err.... marital department.

Why is this, we, stuck in the Matrix, ask? We don’t eat meat, we don’t eat fat. We eat our 11 servings of bread, cereal, rice & pasta. We dutifully gag down our 5 vegetables a day and our 4 pieces of fruit go down our throats with the knowledge that its’ all good – so say Agents Smith & Brown.

We even eat All Bran, Weetabix, lettuce & Tofu!

Why are we ill, we, stuck in the Matrix, ask Agent Smith’s messengers, the doctor’s, (esteemed to be one above god). AH HA think the Agents “we’ve trapped them for life”. Luckily for us the good doctor’s know big pharma (AKA Agent Jones). He can supply you with anything you want. Pills for this, potions for that, concoctions for the other.

The god doctor’s command us, when we are ill, (and even when we feel in tip top condition), you WILL take this pill, potion, concoction for the next 35 years (at $300 per month profit for Agent Jones). Agent Jones, at first smirks, then giggles, then laughs and laughs and laughs...... His bank balance has so many noughts in it!!

Agents Smith, Brown & Jones can now harvest all our worldly funds. (AKA bioelectrical energy and body heat)

On the good ship Nebuhadnezzar, Morpheus, Trinity, the Oracle and their crew battle valiantly against the all powerful Agents, Smith, Brown & Jones and their Sentinels. They are searching for ‘the one’.

Who can save mankind from the deadly agent’s? (Governments who are run by the big corporations). Who can free us from the clutches of the Matrix? (Monsanto, Tesco, Astra Zeneca, Pfizer, Glaxo Smith Kline). Who has the knowledge, the experience, the skills, the charisma, the wisdom to lead us to enlightenment?

Can Morpheus and his crew find ‘the one’?

We can all be ‘the one’. We must all take responsibility and find out:

Who feeds us our ‘food’? Who decides what ‘food’ we eat?

How is ‘food’ manufactured? Should ‘food’ be manufactured? Shouldn’t ‘food’ be well, just real food?

Who sponsor’s 90% of scientific studies on health and nutrition? Why do scientific studies always ‘prove’ what the sponsor wants?

Why are we told that obesity rates have soared in part because we are lazy & sedentary, yet in 1970 hardly anyone belonged to a gym, and in 2009 around 4.5 million people in the UK had a gym membership? Also in 1981 6,000 people completed the London marathon, last year that number had risen to around 34,000.

Why do ‘foods’ advertised on TV always make claims to be the healthiest? Why do these ‘foods’ advertised on TV have the highest profit margins?

Why are we not told that John Harvey Kellogg was a vegetarian and a puritanical religious zealot who thought sexual desires were evil, and who never consummated his marriage? He invented cornflakes knowing they lower libido. ADVICE: Next time your partner is getting a bit frisky but you are not feeling in the ...hem... mood, feed them some cereal.

Why are we NOT told that the industrial commodities; grain, beans & potatoes contain antinutrients, toxins, enzyme blockers, lectins & more, which deplete and destroy our health? Is it because it might lower profit margins for Agent Brown (industrial agriculture and the multi-national food producers) & Agent Jones (big pharma)?

Why are we not told that the industrial commodity product; soy, contains phytic acid, Trypsin inhibitors, phytoestrogens, aluminimum, monosodium glutamate (MSG) & more, which deplete minerals in our body, cause pancreatic disorders, infertility, breast cancer, vitamin D deficiency and are toxic to the nervous system? Is it because it might lower profit margins for Agent Brown (industrial agriculture and the multi-national food producers) & Agent Jones (big pharma)?

A word about cholesterol lowering & statin drugs.

Why are we not told that by lowering your cholesterol you will probably die at a younger age?

Why are we not told that by lowering your cholesterol you are more likely to suffer from cancer?

Why are we not told that by lowering your cholesterol you increase your risk of having a stroke?

Why are we not told that by lowering your cholesterol you will weaken your immune system?

Why are we not told that by lowering your cholesterol you have a higher risk of suicide & depression?

Why are we not told that by lowering your cholesterol you are more at risk with suffering from Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s?

Is it because it might lower profit margins for Agent Jones (big pharma), who manufactures statins?

Why are we told that eating saturated fat causes heart disease when a review of 21 studies lasting between 5 – 23 years involving 347,747 people showed there was NO association between saturated fat intake and heart disease? Is it because only small scale farmers tend to produce this type of food and it is actually healthy for the human body, thereby by eating this food it will cut the profit margins for Agent Brown (industrial agriculture and the multi-national food producers) & Agent Jones (big pharma)?

Why are we told that eating cholesterol will make us obese and give us heart disease when in one of the most in depth studies on record looking at diet, cholesterol, lifestyle and heart disease was researched over 40 year period in Framingham, Massachusetts showed the complete opposite? 6000 people were involved in the investigation generating a huge volume of information. The director of the study, William P. Castelli, declared a few years after the study concluded that "In Framingham, Mass, the more saturated fat one ate, the more cholesterol one ate, the more calories one ate, the lower the person's serum cholesterol... we found that the people who ate the most cholesterol, ate the most saturated fat, ate the most calories, weighed the least and were the most physically active." Are we told cholesterol is unhealthy because only small scale farmers tend to produce high cholesterol type of foods and they are actually healthy for the human body, thereby by eating these foods it will cut the profit margins for Agent Brown (industrial agriculture and the multi-national food producers) & Agent Jones (big pharma)?

Why are we told that foods the human body has evolved to thrive on and that have kept us nourished and healthy for the last 2.5 million years (meat & fat) are unhealthy? Why are we told that foods manufactured in the last few decades, (genetically modified, industrially produced, processed commodities) to which our bodies are not adapted, make us sick, unhealthy and dependent on pharmaceutical drugs, why are we told these foods are healthy? Is it because only small scale farmers tend to produce the type of foods the human body has evolved to thrive on and that have kept us nourished and healthy for the last 2.5 million years (meat & fat), thereby by eating these foods it will cut the profit margins for Agent Brown (industrial agriculture and the multi-national food producers) & Agent Jones (big pharma)?

“Healthy eating” has been gathering pace since the late 1970’s. Because of the teachings of Agents Smith, Brown & Jones we now all eat less red meat, less cholesterol and less saturated animal fat. We eat more spinach, we eat more garlic, we eat many, many more vegetables. We eat more corn, we eat more rice, we eat much, much more soya, we eat more wheat. We drink more fruit juice & we eat more fruit. We eat unimaginably more processed “low fat, low cholesterol, healthy” foods and we eat massively more manufactured, industrially processed vegetable fats and oils.

Since the 1970’s, Obesity has soared, Cancer rates have soared, Diabetes has soared, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer cases have risen. Heart disease cases have shot up. More people have high blood pressure. Infertility casts a shadow on many more couple’s now. Asthma rates have multiplied many fold times. ADHD, Autism, Depression, epilepsy, intestinal disease’s, liver disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Osteoporosis and many more diseases and conditions are more prevalent now than 30 years ago.

Why is this?

Who benefits from us eating genetically modified, industrially produced, processed commodities (food!!)?

Agent Smith (Governments, run by the big corporations and their trusty messengers, the media, doctors and health workers) tell us what to eat, (genetically modified, industrially produced, processed commodities).

Agent Brown (industrial agriculture and the multi-national food producers) manufactures it for us (genetically modified, industrially produced, processed commodities).

Agent Jones (Astra Zeneca, Pfizer, Glaxo Smith Kline) then makes $billions “treating” us on our diseases and conditions, (caused by eating these genetically modified, industrially produced, processed commodities).

‘One’ by ‘One’ we can personally escape the Matrix. To attain robust, vibrant health we must find out the truth for ourselves.

Our example can inspire others, some cannot or do not want to be saved (such as Cypher). However many do. We, who are ‘the ones’ must battle Agents Smith, Brown & Jones and we must win. The truth must rise to the surface and soar into the sky.

We can all be Neo.

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